A Musician’s Best Friend

Hello friends! Great news! I started a band, well my friends started a band, not y’all, I have other friends! A few, anyway, all you need is 1 person to make a band! Look at Lil Nas X or Moby, and all those other electronic and hip-hop artists! 

So my friends started a band. Since I’m not a great musician, I offered my services as their manager, I know right?, what a great friend I am! Here’s the thing though, they are getting streaming play in certain area of the country and not others, so I’m trying to figure out the best route to send them on for their tour. 

To do that, I figured, heck, let’s roll some dice! On Tour showed up on my phone then on my table at just the right time to help me with my grand scheme, er plan. This game is one of hope and prayer and “come on you #$&% dice!” 

Each turn you turn out 3 cards and roll 2 pentagonal trapezohedron, for those playing along at home those are d10’s. Now after I roll those dice, all the players must use both combinations of numbers if possible. Let me explain, if I roll a 5 and 0, then 50 AND 05 are placed on each players’ boards. The cards are a guide to areas: North, South, East, West, Central, then South East, North East, North Central, South Central, North West, South West. Each card also has a State, 41 cards in all, we lump those New England states into 1, also no Alaska or Hawaii. We’re too cheap for planes right now, load that van and book it to the next show!

If a player writes a number on the identified state, they circle it. All cards show a state and a region. The dice values have to be written in the region. There are times when you can’t place a value or don’t want to in which case you mark an X and no route can go through that state. Guess they didn’t stream my friend’s band enough. 

There is also a chance that the dice show the same value or all 3 cards show the same region! In this case, mark a Star in 1, and only 1, state. Again, following regions on cards. This can be any value. That’s good news. 

Here’s why it’s good news, you may have figured out I’m sending my friend’s band on tour. Now, I need to get them to as many states in a row as I can manage. That means I have to follow the dashed highway routes on my map and also fill in ascending values. It feels a bit like darts at first, then as the states start to get out of hand with values that are wonky based on what I wrote in, it all goes together like a great big disaster. At least for me. But you will definitely have better luck! 

Also, if you track through a state with a circle, because you used the named state, you get a bonus point! All told, your route is worth 1 point for each state you pass through on your longest route and also a bonus point for the circled states. You could get incredibly lucky and make it through all 41 states. 

I found playing it multiplayer is basically like playing it solo, there is minimal interaction, but you can trash talk your opponents, not just the dice. This fine, because the game is a lot of fun. Interaction would make it a mess to deal with. 

My quibbles, I think scoring “points” is fine, but I want it to be more thematic! Make the points money, for me, the band’s manager! If I tally up 23 states, make that $2,300 that I pocketed from the Band’s tour. Did the band get paid? That’s not my problem! 

Also, the dice are dice and luck is luck. Just deal with it, it’s fine! 

In general, this game is fun, like Camel Up, but less interaction. Everyone will be screaming at the dice after a few turns and that right there is the perfect bonding exercise! It’s like a cooperative game only the dice are the ones that seem to win, then get put in the Hall of Shame. Also, the physical version is huge! It has massive boards and massive dice! The dice are less a choking hazard than a projectile hazard. Please don’t throw those big d10s at your friends!

Time to dial up another tour for my friend’s band! See you on the road! Safe travels and all that!

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